You may not realize you have a cracked pipe until the water thaws enough to reveal what happened because you did not winterize your system.
You may not realize you have a cracked pipe until the water thaws enough to reveal what happened because you did not winterize your system.
Some are easy and some are not.
Sometimes it’s a simple fix, grab your shovel, a tarp and start digging. Then agian, sometimes once you have that earth excavated you find out it’s not as simple as unscrewing the old head and screwing in the new one. Maybe that wonderful old tree in the front yard with 80 years worth of roots has all but strangled the water line going to the sprinkler head. Now you have have to go find your pick axe and regular axe to clean up some roots. Or maybe it’s just easier to just give us a call and it magically works like new!
Curious if your lawn irrigation system is costing you more to operate than it should? Maybe it’s the broken sprinkler head, leaks below ground, or you sprinkler controller hasn’t been reset since you moved in. If you pay attention to what CSU Extension has to say about system efficiency Operating and Maintaining a Home Irrigation System you’ll know that having a professional sprinkler system evaluation is the cornerstone of saving both money and resources.
If it’s been awhile sine you’ve paid your system any attention, give us a call and we’d be happy to come perform a system evaluation.